Was it the photography, lighting or print technology? Or were meals as unappetizing in 1960 as this cookbooklet would lead you to believe?
"Prize Winning Recipes" was published by the American Beauty Macaroni Co. in 1960 and promises that each recipe is "restaurant tested." It's sad enough that these dishes might have been served in somebody's home, but I can't imagine there was much hope for Americans if they were served some of these dishes in restaurants. No wonder a good-looking John Kennedy was elected to the presidency that year. America needed something easy on the eyes.

Take, for instance, the macaroni loaf seen here. The caption is a little confusing: "As prepared by Winning S. Pendergast School Lunchrooms, Detroit Public Schools." This is what was served in Detroit Public School lunchrooms during boom years. Can you imagine what kids are eating there now?
There's also baked salmon and shell macaroni au gratin, "A recipe tailor-made for Friday menus, using macaroni shells to create interest." Yeah, it's interesting all right.

No recipes with this post. I'm only keeping this cookbook as a novelty from a bygone era. However, if you're a school cafeteria employee and you'd like the macaroni loaf recipe, let me know.
seriously the top photo reminds me of maggots, not noodles.
ReplyDeleteI know! I hang on to some cookbooks just because of how surreal they are!